Money trees (Pachira Aquatica) are superstitiously known for bringing you good luck and wealth. Ensure the ideal environment for your money tree with this brief guide.
Brief Guide: Caring For Your Money Tree
1. Pot and Soil:
Place the money tree in a well-draining container with multiple drainage holes and a peat moss based potting mix.
2. Light:
Place in indirect and bright light (the one pictured above has scorched leaves due to being placed in direct sun light.) Avoid direct sun and deep shade. Rotate occasionally for even growth.
3. Watering:
Water thoroughly every 1-2 weeks and allow the soil to completely dry in between watering. Pour out any excess water from the tray.
4. Temperature and Humidity:
The ideal temperature range for money plants is between 60°F and 75°F, Money trees enjoy humid conditions, which you can simulate by misting. Be careful not to over-saturate the plants!
5. Pruning:
Remove yellow, brown, dead, and dying leaves.
6. Fertilizing:
Fertilize during the spring and summer with balanced water-soluble fertilizer every 4-6 weeks. Fertilizing isn't necessary in the fall and winter.
7. Re-potting:
Re-pot when the roots start to overcrowd the container, usually every 2-3 years, and ideally in the spring.